molpher.algorithms.bidirectional package Submodules molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.pathfinder module

class molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.pathfinder.BidirectionalPathFinder(settings)[source]

Bases: object

Parameters:settings (Settings) – search settings

Implements a search where two trees are used to explore against each other. After every iteration the targets of the trees are updated so that the closest molecule from one tree becomes a target in the other.

This search might be quicker and the morphs on the resulting paths are more balanced in terms of similarity to both source and the target.


Execute the search and return the path.

Returns:a list of SMILES strings representing the found path (defaults to an empty list)
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.pathfinder', '__doc__': '\n :param settings: search settings\n :type settings: `Settings`\n\n Implements a search where two trees are used to explore against each other.\n After every iteration the targets of the trees are updated so that the closest molecule\n from one tree becomes a target in the other.\n\n This search might be quicker and the morphs on the resulting paths are more balanced\n in terms of similarity to both source and the target.\n ', '__init__': <function BidirectionalPathFinder.__init__>, '__call__': <function BidirectionalPathFinder.__call__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BidirectionalPathFinder' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BidirectionalPathFinder' objects>})

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.pathfinder'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

path = None

a list of SMILES strings representing the found path (defaults to an empty list)

source_target = None

ExplorationTree from source to target

source_target_min = None

FindClosest holding the current minimum in the ‘source to target’ tree.

target_source = None

ExplorationTree from target to source

target_source_min = None

FindClosest holding the current minimum in the ‘target to source’ tree.

verbose = None

True if verbose output was requested molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.run module

molpher.algorithms.bidirectional.run.run(settings, paths_to_find=1)[source]

Run the search.

  • settingsSettings instance
  • paths_to_find – number of paths to find with the algorithm

a path as a list of SMILES strings Module contents