Source code for molpher.algorithms.antidecoys.settings

import os

from rdkit import RDConfig
from rdkit.Chem import ChemicalFeatures
from rdkit.Chem.Pharm2D.SigFactory import SigFactory

from molpher.algorithms.settings import Settings

[docs]class AntidecoysSettings(Settings): """ A specialized class that holds the settings for the anti-decoys algorithm. """ def __init__( self , source , target , storage_dir = os.path.abspath('antidecoys_data') # path to a directory where the results will be stored , max_threads = None # maximum number of threads to use in parallel computations , tree_params = None # custom parameters (same for both trees) , max_iters = 100 # maximum number of iterations to spend looking for a single path , verbose = False # require verbose output , fg_bins = ((0, 2), (2, 5), (5, 8)) # distance bins in the pharmacophore fingerprint , fg_min_points = 2 # min number of features encoded in the pharmacophore fingerprint , fg_max_points = 3 # max number of features encoded in the pharmacophore fingerprint , min_accepted = 1000 # minimum number of morphs the filter will accept on every iteration , common_bits_max_thrs = 0.75 # maximum common bits percentage the filter will accept on every iteration , common_bits_mean_thrs = 0.5 # if for the mols selected by the filter the mean common bits percentage falls below this value, antidecoys will be turned off , antidecoys_min_iters = 10 # minimum number of iterations where antidecoys are optimized , antidecoys_max_iters = 50 # maximum number of iterations where antidecoys are optimized , distance_thrs = 0.2 # turn antidecoys filter off when the distance between two closest molecules from each tree gets below this value ): super(AntidecoysSettings, self).__init__( source , target , storage_dir , max_threads , max_iters , tree_params , verbose ) self.fg_bins = fg_bins """ distance bins in the pharmacophore fingerprint (as described `here <>`_) """ self.fg_min_points = fg_min_points """ min number of features encoded in the pharmacophore fingerprint (as described `here <>`_) """ self.fg_max_points = fg_max_points """ max number of features encoded in the pharmacophore fingerprint (as described `here <>`_) """ self.min_accepted = min_accepted """ minimum number of morphs the antidecoys filter will accept on every iteration """ self.common_bits_max_thrs = common_bits_max_thrs """ maximum percentage of shared bits between a structure and the anti-fingerprint that the filter will accept on every iteration """ self.common_bits_mean_thrs = common_bits_mean_thrs """ if for the structures that survived the filter the mean common bits percentage falls below this value, antidecoys will be turned off """ self.antidecoys_min_iters = antidecoys_min_iters """ minimum number of iterations that will use the antidecoys filter """ self.antidecoys_max_iters = antidecoys_max_iters """ maximum number of iterations that will use the antidecoys filter """ self.distance_thrs = distance_thrs """ turn antidecoys filter off when the distance between two closest molecules from each tree gets below this value """ # stuff for the pharmacophore fingerprints self._fdef_file = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef') # get basic feature definitions self._feature_factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(self._fdef_file) # make feature factory self.signature_factory = SigFactory(self._feature_factory, minPointCount=self.fg_min_points, maxPointCount=self.fg_max_points, trianglePruneBins=False) # make signature factory self.signature_factory.SetBins(self.fg_bins) # set the distance bins self.signature_factory.Init()