Source code for molpher.algorithms.antidecoys.custom_opers

Custom operations and callbacks used in


from molpher.core.operations import TreeOperation
from molpher.core.operations.callbacks import SortMorphsCallback

from .utils import compute_antifp_scores

[docs]class GatherAntiFPScores(TreeOperation): """ :param out: a dictionary to save the results to :param anti_fp: the anti-fingerprint :param settings: `AntidecoysSettings` A `tree operation` which computes the anti-fingerprint scores using the given settings and anti-fingerprint. For every molecule in `candidates` the similarity to the anti-fingerprint is computed and saved as a score into the supplied dictionary. .. seealso:: `compute_antifp_scores` """ def __init__(self, out, anti_fp, settings): super(GatherAntiFPScores, self).__init__() self.out = out """output dictionary""" self.antitfp = anti_fp """the anti-fingerprint""" self.settings = settings """`AntidecoysSettings`""" def __call__(self): results = compute_antifp_scores( self.tree.candidates , self.antitfp , self.settings ) self.out.update(results)
[docs]class AntiFpSortCallback(SortMorphsCallback): """ :param antifp_scores: SMILES to anti-fingerprint similarity map (for each molecule in `candidates`) :type antifp_scores: `dict` This callback is used to sort `candidates` with regard to their similarity to the anti-fingerprint. Molecules less similar to the anti-fingerprint are ranked higher than more similar ones. """ def __init__(self, antifp_scores): super(AntiFpSortCallback, self).__init__() self.minimum_common_bits_perc = 1.0 """minimum percentage of bits that one `candidate morph <candidate morphs>` has in common with the anti-fingerprint""" self.maximum_common_bits_perc = 0.0 """maximum percentage of bits that one `candidate morph <candidate morphs>` has in common with the anti-fingerprint""" self.antifp_scores = antifp_scores """SMILES to anti-fingerprint score map (for each molecule in `candidates`)""" def __call__(self, a, b): """ Overrides the abstract method in the base class. Compares two morphs according to the percentage of bits that they have in common with the anti-fingerprint. :param a: morph on the left side of the comparison :param b: morph on the right side of the comparison :return: `True` if morph on the right side is less similar to the anti-fingerprint than the one on the left, `False` otherwise """ perc_a = self.antifp_scores[a.getSMILES()] perc_b = self.antifp_scores[b.getSMILES()] minimum = min(perc_a, perc_b, self.minimum_common_bits_perc) maximum = max(perc_a, perc_b, self.minimum_common_bits_perc) if minimum < self.minimum_common_bits_perc: self.minimum_common_bits_perc = minimum if maximum > self.maximum_common_bits_perc: self.maximum_common_bits_perc = maximum return perc_a < perc_b
[docs]class AntidecoysFilter(TreeOperation): """ :param scores: a `dict` mapping a SMILES string of a molecule in `candidates` to the corresponding score value :param common_bits_thrs: maximum percentage of bits in common with the anti-fingerprint allowed in the :param minimum_accept: always accept at least this many top scoring molecules A filtering `tree operation` which filters the morphs in `candidates` based on :samp:`common_bits_thrs`. All morphs with anti-fingerprint score bigger than :samp:`common_bits_thrs` are rejected. However, at least :samp:`minimum_accept` best morphs survives. """ def __init__(self, scores, common_bits_thrs, minimum_accept): super(AntidecoysFilter, self).__init__() self.scores = scores """a `dict` mapping a SMILES string of a molecule in `candidates` to the corresponding score value""" self.common_bits_thrs = common_bits_thrs """maximum percentage of bits in common with the anti-fingerprint allowed in the""" self.minimum_accept = minimum_accept """always accept at least this many top scoring molecules""" def __call__(self): candidates_mask = list(self.tree.candidates_mask) candidates = self.tree.candidates for idx, mol in enumerate(candidates): score = self.scores[mol.smiles] if score > self.common_bits_thrs: candidates_mask[idx] = False accepted_count = sum(candidates_mask) print('Antidecoys filter identified {0} morphs below threshold.'.format(accepted_count)) if accepted_count < self.minimum_accept: to_get = self.minimum_accept - accepted_count counter = 0 for i in range(accepted_count, len(candidates_mask)): candidates_mask[i] = True counter += 1 if counter >= to_get: break print('Antidecoys filter accepted {0} morphs.'.format(sum(candidates_mask))) self.tree.candidates_mask = candidates_mask