1. Installation

In this section, we discuss various methods of installation. There are also instructions on how to build the library from source and other comments useful to library developers.


As of yet, the library is only available for the Linux platform and will only run on 64-bit systems. However, support for other platforms is on the roadmap as well.


So far, the library is only tested on a limited number of Debian-based systems. Therefore, it might not work properly on some other Linux distributions.

1.1. Installation with Anaconda

If you want to use the library from Python environment, this is probably the best way for you to install. All you need to do is either get the full Anaconda distribution or its lightweight variant, Miniconda.

Anaconda/Miniconda is essentially a Python distribution, package manager and virtual environment in one and makes setting up a development environment for your projects very easy. After installing Anaconda/Miniconda you need to run the following to install the package in your environment:

conda install -c rdkit -c lich molpher-lib

This will automatically install the latest non-development version of the library in your currently active environment. If you are interested in the development snapshots, you can specify the dev label while you install:

conda install -c rdkit -c lich/label/dev molpher-lib


The binaries in the molpher-lib package are compiled against the newest version of RDKit (2018.03.1 at the time of writing), which has a different ABI than the previous versions. Therefore, this and the following versions of Molpher-lib will not work with older versions of RDKit anymore.

For more information on environments and the conda command see Conda Test Drive.

You can test if the library works as it should by running the Python test suite:

from molpher.tests import run


1.2. Building and Installing from Source – Linux

If you want to build the source code yourself, you will have to use cmake. This section describes how to do that on the Linux platform. If you want to build the library on a different platform, this section might provide useful information as well. However, you might need to make some adjustments to the underlying CMakeLists.txt file and build and link the dependencies yourself.


If you manage to successfully build the library on a platform other than Linux, please, consider making a pull request and contributing your code to the official GitHub repository.

You can get the source code with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/lich-uct/molpher-lib.git

1.2.1. Prerequisites

Before you start building, there are a few requirements that need to be satisfied:

  • cmake – This tool will generate the Makefiles for the project and is used to configure the build. Cmake version 3.9 and higher is supported.

  • build-essential – You will need this package in order to be able to build software on most Linux platforms. It contains a compiler and other tools important for the build.

    Note that you might encounter some problems if you decide to use an ancient compiler with poor support for the newer C++ standards (C++11 onwards). For example, g++ 5.4 and newer should be OK, but even slightly older compilers could work with no problems.

  • swig – It is used to generate the Python wrapping code (we are using version 3.0.12 at the moment).

    SWIG is only required if you made changes to the binary interface (header files under include/) and want to configure cmake with the -DRUN_SWIG=ON option (see the description of the molpher_build_SWIG_Python target in the section below). If this option is turned on, SWIG will be invoked by make upon build with the swig3.0 command so make sure the SWIG executable is available in the working environment.

  • setuptools – This Python package is needed to build and install the Molpher-lib Python package.

  • python{version}-dev – You will need this package to build Python bindings for your Python version.

    If you get ‘Missing Python.h’ compiler errors, you probably do not have this package installed.

  • dependencies – Molpher-lib depends on three third-party libraries:

    • tbb (most versions should work fine, we generally build against 2018 Update 3)
    • boost (most versions should work fine, we generally build against 1.65)
    • rdkit (2018.03.1 and newer)
    • numpy (RDKit dependency in Python, not required if you will be using the C++ interface only)

    There is a bash script (deps/build_deps.sh) which can download and build the dependencies automatically with the required options. It should be sufficient to just run:

    ./build_deps.sh --all

    If you want the dependencies yourself, you should install them in the deps/ folder in the repository root. For each dependency, there should be a folder of the same name under deps/ (for example, the path to the tbb files would be deps/tbb/). The CMakeLists.txt is configured to automatically identify and prioritize dependencies in this directory.

    You can also leverage the libraries already installed on your system. In that case, cmake should automatically find them and link them during the build. The CMakeLists.txt file is configured to link against dynamic versions of all libraries so make sure you have those installed.

1.2.2. Building the Library

When the above requirements are met, you can start building. First, you need to create a build directory and initialize the cmake project:

mkdir ${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/cmake-build/ # create a subdirectory in the root of the repository
cd ${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/cmake-build/
cmake ..

This is the simplest configuration with default options, but most of the time we will probably require more customization. The cmake configuration file recognizes a few options. For example, the following will force debug mode and Python 3 during build:


If you want to recreate the Python wrapping code during build, you should add -DRUN_SWIG=ON. Remember, that you need to have SWIG installed in a standard location for this to work. Alternatively, you can add swig to your PATH or use -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/swig to tell cmake where to look for it.

When the makefile is created, you can use make to build various targets:

make $CONFIG # CONFIG is a configurations' name

There are three important targets:

  1. molpher – Builds the binaries for the C++ part of Molpher-lib.

  2. molpher_install – This target will install the library in a given location.

    By default, this location is the dist/ folder in the repository root. This can be changed when the cmake project is initialized by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. By default, the required dependency libraries are not installed. If you just want to install them, you can configure cmake to do so by setting the following: -DINSTALL_TBB=ON -DINSTALL_Boost=ON -DINSTALL_RDKit=ON.

  3. molpher_install_python – This builds the C++ Python extension and installs the Python package into CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

    By default, the primary Python distribution on the system is used. You can specify a different executable by with -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE.

    If you want to update the SWIG wrapping code before this target is run, you can instruct cmake to do so with the -DRUN_SWIG=ON option. Do not forget to specify the swig path with -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE if it is installed in a non-standard location.

    When this target finishes, all required files should be in place and you should be able to import the molpher Python package, provided that your PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set appropriately. Here is an example of how these variables can be set if standard locations are used:

    export DEPS_DIR=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/../deps
    export PYTHONPATH=${DEPS_DIR}/rdkit/:${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/python3.5/site-packages
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DEPS_DIR}/tbb/lib/intel64/gcc4.7:${DEPS_DIR}/rdkit/lib/:${DEPS_DIR}/boost/stage/lib:${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib

    You should then be able to successfully run the Python test suite:

    from molpher.tests import run

1.2.3. Building the Documentation

This documentation is generated using the build_docs.sh script under the doc directory. However, you will need a few Python packages in order to successfully build it. Molpher-lib source code contains a conda environment file which defines these requirements. You can install this environment like so:

conda env create -f environment.yml

The resulting environment will be called molpher-lib and you can activate it while setting important Molpher-lib variables by sourcing the source_2_activate file in REPOSITORY_ROOT:

. source_2_activate

This will not only allow you to build the documentation, but also run the code in the associated Jupyter notebooks.

Once your environment is activated, you can build the Python wrappers and generate the documentation:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace
cd doc

To update the GitHub pages, it is possible to run the build_docs.sh script with the `--upload` option:

build_docs.sh --upload


You will need write access to the repository and an SSH key attached to your account to be able to do this.

1.2.4. Building Conda Packages

If you want to build your own conda packages, you can use a python script located in conda subdirectory of the repository root:

python build.py


You will need conda-build and the jinja2 Python library to do that. These are both part of the molpher-lib conda environment we introduced before. It is enough to just do conda activate molpher-lib.

The built packages will be located at /tmp/conda-bld.