Source code for molpher.examples.classic

Implementation of the classical search algorithm.


import time

import gc

from molpher.core import ExplorationTree as ETree
from molpher.core.operations import *

[docs]def timeit(func): milliseconds = 1000 * time.clock() func() return 1000 * time.clock() - milliseconds
[docs]class ClassicPathFinder: def __init__(self, source, target): options = { 'fingerprint' : 'ATOM_PAIRS' } self.tree = ETree.create(source=source, target=target) self.ITERATION = [ GenerateMorphsOper() , SortMorphsOper() , FilterMorphsOper() , ExtendTreeOper() , PruneTreeOper() ] @property def path(self): current = self.tree.fetchMol(self.tree.params['target']) path = list() path.append(current.smiles) while current != '': current = current.parent_smiles if current: current = self.tree.fetchMol(current) path.append(current.smiles) path.reverse() return path def __call__(self): counter = 0 connecting_molecule = None while not self.tree.path_found: counter+=1 print('Iteration {0}:'.format(counter)) for oper in self.ITERATION: print('Execution time ({0}):'.format(type(oper).__name__)) time_elapsed = timeit(lambda : self.tree.runOperation(oper)) print('\telapsed time: {0}'.format(time_elapsed))
[docs]def main(): milliseconds_now = 1000 * time.clock() cocaine = 'CN1[C@H]2CC[C@@H]1[C@@H](C(=O)OC)[C@@H](OC(=O)c1ccccc1)C2' procaine = 'O=C(OCCN(CC)CC)c1ccc(N)cc1' pathfinder = ClassicPathFinder(cocaine, procaine) pathfinder() print(pathfinder.path) print('Total Execution Time: {0}'.format(1000 * time.clock() - milliseconds_now))
if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())