
class molpher.swig_wrappers.core.TreeOperation(*args)[source]

This class defines an interface for tree operations. It can be executed on any exploration tree using the ExplorationTree.runOperation() method or a tree can be explicitly attached to it.

It is an abstract class and therefore cannot be instantiated, but it defines a constructor that either takes a single argument (an instance of ExplorationTree) or nothing at all (in which case the associated exploration tree instance is set to None).


This method is abstract and is meant to be overridden by derived classes to run the operation on the currently registered tree (if any).


Fetch the ExplorationTree instance attached to this operation.


This method always returns an instance of molpher.swig_wrappers.core.ExplorationTree. If you want to change this behaviour, you will need to override this method in the derived class.

Returns:an exploration tree
Return type:ExplorationTree

Associate the given tree with this operation instance.

Parameters:tree (ExplorationTree) – the tree to associate this instance with