Source code for molpher.algorithms.antidecoys.utils

import multiprocessing

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.Pharm2D import Generate

[docs]def compute_anti_fp(mols_smiles, sig_fac, antifp_old=None): """ Computes an anti-fingerprint from the given molecules. It is possible to specify an existing anti-fingerprint for an update. In this case, the returned fingerprint will be the result of doing a bitwise :samp:`or` between the old fingerprint and the one generated from the supplied structures. :param mols_smiles: SMILES of the molecules to generate the anti-fingerprint from :param sig_fac: RDKit's signature factory used in the 2D pharmacophore fingerprint computation :param antifp_old: an old anti-fingerprint to update :return: new or updated anti-fingerprint """ antifp_new = antifp_old for smiles in mols_smiles: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if not antifp_new: antifp_new = Generate.Gen2DFingerprint(mol, sig_fac) else: antifp_new = antifp_new | Generate.Gen2DFingerprint(mol, sig_fac) return antifp_new
def _eval_morphs(mols, anti_fp, sig_fac): path_fp = compute_anti_fp(mols, sig_fac) common_fp = path_fp & anti_fp on_bits = path_fp.GetNumOnBits() common_bits = common_fp.GetNumOnBits() common_bits_perc = common_bits / on_bits if on_bits else 0.0 assert common_bits_perc <= 1.0 return common_bits_perc def _compute_antifp_score(data): smiles, anti_fp = data return smiles, _eval_morphs([smiles], anti_fp, _compute_antifp_score.sig_fac)
[docs]def compute_antifp_scores(mols, anti_fp, settings): """ Computes (in parallel) the anti-fingerprint scores for the given molecules. :param mols: molecules as a list of SMILES strings :param anti_fp: the anti-fingerprint :param settings: `AntidecoysSettings` :return: a `dict` mapping SMILES of the given molecules to the anti-fingerprint scores """ data = [(x.smiles, anti_fp) for x in mols] _compute_antifp_score.sig_fac = settings.signature_factory # RDKit's signature factory cannot be pickled; hence, this dirty hack pool = multiprocessing.Pool(settings.max_threads) results =, iterable=data) pool.close() pool.join() return dict(results)
[docs]def update_target(tree, target): """ Change the tree's target molecule. :param tree: an `exploration tree` :type tree: :class:`~molpher.core.ExplorationTree.ExplorationTree` :param target: SMILES string of the new target :type target: `str` """ if target != tree.params['source']: tree.params = { 'target' : target }